The Fastest Fish who Ever Lived...
You've toned down the chords which is nice, except in the drop, which is not nice. I didn't really like the piano melody, which wasn't helped by the fact of how robotic it sounded. Speaking of which, I ESPECIALLY didn't like the robotic lead in the second lead. While the retro part after that was cool, it really didn't fit the style of song. The drums were pretty cool, and I'd love it if you could direct me to where you got them. Okay, now back to the problems. The melody is way too repetitive. There werent enough variations and the dynamics and flow of the song were kind of off. You should also focus on using more types of percussion (yes i know its a house song) as you only really need that repetitive drum pattern in tbe drop. Usually I would give this sort of thing a four stars, but I'm giving you an extra half star because of the extra though you put into mixing. Remember to use automation clips if youre putting patterns from the drop in quieter parts of the song, and vice versa. Luckily for you, if you don't go into music production in the future you can always go into writing. I honestly hope you don't cos then I'll be lonely. Great job mate ;D